Minify CSS using Gulp

For minifying, you can use csso plugin. 
npm install gulp-csso –save-dev
Create a new task for minifying the css using this plugin

var gulp = require('gulp');
//gulp-load-plugins helps for a cleaner syntax
var $ = require('gulp-load-plugins')({ lazy: true });

function () {
return gulp.src([“./Theme/default.css”])

Code Analysis using JSHint and JSCS in Gulp

Copy .jscsrc and .jshintrc file on your project, which contain all the code analysis rules.


Install jshint and jscs locally on your project.

And also install jshint-stylish reporter for formatted output.

$ npm install --save-dev jshint-stylish


Run your task

gulp codenalysis-task

Your First Task using Gulp in ASP.NET MVC Project

Introduction to Gulp

I am going to create the first Gulp task in an ASP.NET MVC project. Go to Node.Js Command Prompt

Install Gulp as a global package


Create a package.json file on your project


Also Install Gulp locally after  navigate in to the project directory


Create a gulpfile.js on your project
In this file, you can load your packages and plugins for the tasks

Open your gulpfile.js and create your first task


Run your Gulp task


Introduction to Gulp.js

Gulp is a Javascript Task runner. When we are creating Javascript, Html and CSS there’s a lot of little things that we have to do to basically prepare our code either running in a development environment or in production environment.For example minifying and concatenating , adding vendor prefixes, Less to CSS Compilation, Injecting Files Into HTML, Angular Template Cache, Code Analysis and more to our code.

Main API’s In Gulp

  1. gulp.task
  2. gulp.src
  3. gulp.dest

Installing Gulp

Gulp is created by using Node.js. So you have to install Node.js first , after that we can install gulp and gulp packages using NPM

You can download Node.js from here

In order to get start with Gulp , You have to install it Globally and then install dependent packages and then code your task.


Create your first Gulp Task